To request a weather report just send to my call this command WX? your 6 character grid and optionally a day number from 0 – 5 with 0 being the current day and 5 would be 5 days from current day. If no number then the current day will be displayed.
Example: WX? EM44XX07 1 Would retrieve a weather report for the EM44XX07 grid location for the day after current day. This must be a directed call to my wd5eed call, or my call is prefixed to the request if typing in a free text message.
Wind report WIND? your 6 character grid and optionally a day number from 0 – 5.
Email out EMAIL? (to email address) (message)
Email is out going only, no return.
Report time/date is UTC.
Grids can be yours or any area of interest.
You can use latitude and longitude coordinates in place of grids.
When using a grid location use 6 to 8 character grid only.
Click link for the current UTC time Time UTC
Click link to find your 6-8 character grid GRID Locator
For any questions , comments or suggestions , wait for it ————————————- MSG Me.
Click pic below for a great JS8CALL Amplifier!